Tech Guide

How To Check The Health Of My Laptop Battery?

If you’ve attempted every one of the stunts – – diminishing your screen, deterring apps- yet your laptop’s battery can’t hold a charge, it very well may be an ideal opportunity to supplant the battery.

A battery’s capacity (how much energy it can hold) exhausts after some time. In the long run, your once high duty laptop could take several hours. The same goes for telephones and tablets.

On Windows, creating a battery report is the most effective way to see whether now is the ideal time to change your laptop battery.

How To Generate A Battery Report?

How to check Battery Health in Windows 10 (2022)

Send off the Command Prompt by right-tapping the lower-left corner of the screen and choosing “Command Prompt.”

In the Command Prompt, type powercfg/batteryreport and click enter. You’ll see a message telling you a record was saved.

Make a beeline for your user folder to find that Battery Report record and double tap to open it in a program.

There’s a long way to go from the battery report, similar to your battery’s capacity history (how it’s drained over the long haul) and investigation for the last three charge cycles. However, the primary measurement for our motivations is Design Charge Capacity versus Full Charge Capacity.

Design Capacity is how much power your laptop can hold when unpacked. Full Charge Capacity is the amount it can hold now. For example, my laptop’s Design Capacity is 46,030 mWh, while the Full Charge Capacity is 39,030 mWh.

For my purposes, the exhaustion is as yet decent. However, assuming your Full Charge Capacity is radically lower than the Design Capacity, you should see whether supplanting the battery is conceivable.

We hope this short article was helpful for you.


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